Scorsolini Baby Scandal by Lucy Monroe - Royal Baby Collection

Scorsolini Baby Scandal

Reviewed by Desere 

Being loved for who you are is something we all crave. You want your other half to accept you with flaws, faults, good and bad. As the line goes, for better of worse!

But when you have a title to add to the front of your name it is never easy, people tend to think they need to love you because of the power you have, or thinking if they can win you over they will be able to walk away with your fortune.

So understandably if it were me in such a position I would also not be too keen to reveal the true me with the title attached. I would much rather just be me as the person instead of the titleholder so to speak.

In the new Lucy Monroe read this is the case for Kiki and Mich, they both come from powerful, strong families. They meet and instantly fall in love, but neither one reveals their titles. They are wrapped in a bubble of love and even when Kiki drops the pregnancy bombshell it does not blow the whirlwind love out of the works. No they marry and are instantly happier than ever. That is until reality comes knocking on the door. And the truth is revealed, will it shatter their love or make it stronger than before ?

The character of Kiki was great, however I would have liked her to be a little older. She seemed so very young to fall head over heals. I would have said that the author needed her to be just a few years older , it would have given me as reader a more " I have been there done that" character, more grown up. But at the same time I understood that the author was trying to show that Kiki has not truly experienced life due to always being guarded and her every move watched. But I do feel the author could still have pulled it off without letting the Kiki be so young. That aside the character was fun to read and I liked that she is towards the end of the read more determined to stand up and speak her peace than she was before having it all within her grasp.

The character of Mich was one I loved from the start. The man is sex on legs and simply oozes charm and sophistication. I loved that the author lets him have a take it all in stride handle what ever comes along attitude in life even though he knows he has much more to face in the upcoming years of his life. I simply adored the manner in which he protects Kiki against anyone and everything that even so much as dares to speak any unkind words about her, it showed the perfect "I love you and you are my life " hero.

The backdrop setting was romantic, carefree and fun. But the author also very nicely linked in the possible emotional trauma of what could or might go wrong when she brings the characters to the palace, where it is all about authority.

The dialogue was sweet and sensual, pure romance from page one! This read is part of the Royal Baby Short reads collection and therefore only contained six chapters.

But you might be thinking that the characters going from meeting, falling into bed and then getting married during the first four chapters that this is not true romance as the in between getting to really move around the problems that arise when the truth is revealed is not fully explored.

But the author's intensity and passion between her characters more than make up for it all, she shows love at first sight as truly being able to happen and last a lifetime!

I am taking away a message of when someone loves you for you and not for a title you carry with you, it is the best kind of love anyone can ask for. For that person sees the true you beneath all the royal-ness of it all, and your title is simply that, only a title.

I recommend this read for all fans of whirlwind romances that leads to unexpected paths.
4 star review
" Love starts with the first look at your future in the eyes of the one that holds your heart"